This shit ain't optimized! My apologies for that, learning some shit. I'm definitely not used to this at ALL. But I'll get there. Eventually. I hope soon... I don't wanna be doing this forever. I mean, I do want to do it for a long time, that's not the issue. I just mean, like, getting to grips with this shouldn't take forever. God I talk a lot. I'm actually kind of quiet in person. In high school, people thought I was a mute! If I hadn't utterly humiliated myself repeatedly as a kid I probably would've been intimidating......Naaaaahhhhh, who tf would be scared of my dorky ass?


Yep! Definitely not finished! Bro I am not built for making stuff without a GUI. I know I gotta learn this HTML stuff again, and I'm getting there, but I would not turn down a GUI right now

Plan of attack

Keeping these tutorials for future reference. Definitely gonna need em...